MKC Coach
MKC Coach
Coaching | Consulting | Strategy for life, leadership and fundraising
Margaret Cann owner of MKC Coach for nonprofit fundraising and leadership


Ready to reject doing MORE with LESS at your nonprofit?

Ready to raise the money you need?

Ready to be a compelling leader?

Start your new story NOW.

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I help nonprofits fund their dreams.

The nonprofit leaders and fundraisers I work with want and need to raise money, but they struggle with dread, anxiety and even hatred for that part of their jobs. Many are sabotaging their own capacity to raise those dollars.

As a fundraiser, you want to feel compelling and confident.

You want money to flow in with ease.

I offer coaching to help you:

  • clean up you relationship with money

  • claim your own compelling fundraising style

  • so that you can raise more money, have some fun, and spend more time on the parts of your job you do love.

My clients come to me:

§  In secret dread and shame about how much they HATE ASKING FOR MONEY. They might spend a lot of time staring at the phone or the send button … but be paralyzed and unable to get started.

§  Exhausted from a culture that screams DO MORE WITH LESS! And then, when they do, screams, NOW: do even more with even less!

§  Knowing they love the mission and impact of their nonprofit work, but still feeling burned out and overextended. Many have trouble saying no.

§  With constant guilt about what they know they “should” be doing to build a fundraising program.

§  Some days, they have NO IDEA where to begin.

§  They might find work seeping into their personal lives. Or possibly the other way around. But either way, it’s not great.

What they really want is to feel like they are making the difference they want in the world, to find some balance and some ease, and to stop hating big parts of their job.

What they need are skills, the confidence that comes from authenticity, and the space and support to untangle their dread.

When I work with clients, we follow some simple steps:

1)      You will clean up your money story, and understand how it holds you back.

2)      You will put down your preconceived ideas of what a fundraiser is “supposed to” look like and say, and you will learn to create from what’s compelling about you.

3)      We will create a plan for leadership and fundraising that includes activities that you and your team and board have an appetite for.

4)      You will learn skills of great fundraising: storytelling, connecting to purpose, reading the space, deep listening and a powerful ask.

At the end of an engagement, my clients shift what they believe about money and about asking so that they can have impact. Asking for donations no longer feels “icky.” They know how to tell stories, light up their donors’ hearts, and make the money they need – without apology.

Margaret Cann - experienced nonprofit coach and nonprofit leadership coach

MKC Coach Offerings:

Fundraising Coaching, Consulting & Strategizing: Margaret helping nonprofit leaders lessen the pain in their ask. With Margaret, clients untangle money stories, learn new skills, and finding their own version of compelling. They learn to make the money they need to change the world.

Personal Development and Leadership Coaching: NOW is the best time to begin your new story. Margaret Coach will help you to find your way forward, using your own creativity and resourcefulness to figure out where you want to go -- and then get there.

Team Trainings: For teams or boards: learn to raise more money and be better leaders.

Donor-Ready Communications: Want to tell your story in a way that will compel your donors to open their wallets?


What clients say about working with MKC Coach:

During our time together, our organization raised over $100,000 of new money! Margret was also a great source of leadership support and advice providing me a safe space to share my thoughts, concerns, and hopes for the organization.”
— Angie
Before working with Margaret, I didn’t feel confident or organized around fundraising. Margaret worked with us to come up with a resonant message that made all the difference. And I am more confident in asking for money and in my leadership. We doubled what we brought in year end from last year. She’s really good at this.
— Jenna Clinchard, Executive Director, Rise Against Suicide
I would say I was pretty reluctant as a fundraiser. I mean, I could, but .... But now, I don’t grimace when I know I have to make that call. I’m still learning and developing, but I don’t put the fundraising off anymore, I don’t keep moving it down my list. I will go tackle it and I feel prepared to have those conversations. I’m much more comfortable.
— -Marc Cowell, Executive Director, OUR Center

From the MKC Coach Blog:

Margaret and the Fundraising Leadership podcast

Fundraising Leadership Podcast - cohosted with Margaret Cann


Margaret co-hosts a podcast with her Fundraising Leadership teammates. Guest podcasts delve into topics on fundraising and leadership. Mini-podcasts focus on emotional intelligence. Give it a listen.